During our studies on illumination in 3D, we experimented a bit with HDRI images to try to achieve a hyper-realistic rendered result. HDRI images offer a lighting source and realistic reflections to the 3D scene, but the problem is that they cannot be easily customized, and sometimes getting them to look right with the scale of the 3D models in the scene is nearly impossible.
With this in mind, we developed a series of Photography Studio Props to use as virtual lamps in the 3D scene.
With these props, you can make a custom lighting rig, as one would do in an actual photography studio set, and you can move them around, scale them, add lights to them via mesh light, or use a lamp in conjunction to lit the scene with parametric lights. Anything is possible!
And they provide super realistic reflections on the glossy surfaces of the models too!

We've made most of these props available at our Sketchfab shop so you can give them a try!