Transhuman4Blender || Face ||

In the APPEARANCE - FACE section you'll find many subsections full of sliders, that will allow you to achieve any face you can imagine.

Transhuman4Blender Face Appearance panel

The Base section features 5 female face shapes and 5 male face shapes. These face shapes are representative of different ethnicities, and all have unique features that make them memorable.

Transhuman4Blender base faces included

You can choose to use these faces as they are, or use them to add just a touch of uniqueness to your creation. You can also mix and match, no matter the gender or the column they're set in. They all blend perfectly and add a layer of complexity to your Transhumans!

Transhuman4Blender base faces included, 5 male and 5 female

In the Face section you'll find many options to customize the overall shape of your Transhuman's face, the size of the face/head, the curvature of the profile, etc.

Transhuman4Blender face sliders
Examples of Face customization : Concave, Convex, Forehead Protrusion +, Forehead Protrusion -

In the Cheeks section you can control the amount of protrusion of the cheekbones, as well as adding hollowness.

Transhuman4Blender cheek, chin, jaw and neck sliders
Examples of Cheek customization : Outward, Inward, Hollow

In the Chin section, you'll find all the options for shaping your character's chin.

Examples of Chin customization : Protrusion +, Protrusion -, Wide, Narrow, CleftExamples of Chin customization : Tall, Short, Up, Down

The Jaw section control the thickness of the jaw, as well as the protrusion of the jaw bones.

Examples of Jaw customization : Width +, Width -, Length +, Length -

The Neck section has options for controlling the girth of the neck, but also the shape of the jowl.

Examples of Neck customization :  Girth +, Girth -, Jowl +, Jowl -

The Eyes section has a wide range of options, from size, rotation, spacing, to controlling the shape of the tear duct. In this section you can also control the position of the eyeball by itself, in case it becomes misplaced by the sum of the other sliders.

Transhuman4Blender eye sliders
Transhuman4Blender character creator eye sliders

The Brow section deals with the eyebrows position and shape. It's useful to add character, or to modify the eyebrow shape without having to edit/groom the hair curves themselves.

Transhuman4Blender brow sliders
Transhuman4Blender character creator brow sliders

The Nose section has many option, and they are great to achieve any nose shape imaginable by controlling the glabella, the bridge, the supratip, the tip and the wings shapes/rotations/positions.

Transhuman4Blender nose slidersExamples of Nose customization :  Glabella +/-, Bridge +/-, Supratip +/-, Tip +/-, Infratip +/-, Wings Angle +/-, Wings Arch +/-

Transhuman4Blender character creator nose sliders

In the Lips section you have all the sliders needed to fill, thin, and reposition the mouth of your Transhuman. You can also modify the shape by playing with the tubercles, clefts, and creases.

Transhuman4Blender lips slidersExamples of Lip customization : Forward, Backward, Thickness+/-, Top Crease, Bottom CreaseTranshuman4Blender character creator lips sliders

The Ear section offers options to change the position and size of the ears (using it with the Anatomy Checker is a great way of achieving a correct anatomy and facial proportion.) You can also add pointy ears to your Transhuman!

Transhuman4Blender ears slidersTranshuman4Blender character creator ears sliders

Face Examples


💡 The sliders that feature the symbol ± have a range from -1 to 1, while the sliders with no symbol, or the symbol + have a range of 0 to 1.


In the MODIFIERS panel below there's an option to randomize all the face values to achieve a tremendous amount of variations with just a few clicks! 👀

(See the Modifiers section for more details)